List of companies assessed in Sweden - iPoint Systems
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Sweden’s Ratos sells data company Bisnode in $807m deal 5mos ago Private Equity penews Views: 72 The deal with US business analytics firm Dun & Bradstreet is expected to be completed by early 2021 - Sweden's Ratos sells data company Bisnode in $807m deal - Private Equity News 5mos ago Private Equity penews Views: 83 The deal with US business analytics firm Dun & Bradstreet is expected to be completed by early 2021 - Ratos AB (“Ratos”) has signed an agreement to sell its entire 70% holding in Bisnode AB (“Bisnode”), excluding the business operations in Belgium, to Bisnode’s partner Dun & Bradstreet for an approximate enterprise value of SEK 7,200m, corresponding to an EV/EBITA multiple of 13,8x and an approximate equity value of SEK 3,900m. Ratos completes divestment of Bisnode. Mon, Jan 11, 2021 08:30 CET. On 8 October, Ratos announced that an agreement had been signed to divest Bisnode to Dun & Bradstreet. This divestment has now been completed after the customary regulatory approval and other conditions were met, including payment of the equity value. Ratos säljer data- och analysföretaget Bisnode till Dun & Bradstreet för en köpeskilling baserad på ett enterprise value om cirka 7 200 MSEK, motsvarande 13,8 gånger EV/EBITA. Försäljningen av Ratos ägarandel om 70% motsvarar en köpeskilling om cirka 3 900 MSEK, vilket medför en koncernmässig reavinst om cirka 2 000 MSEK.
Ratos avser att avyttra upp till 52,2% av sina aktier i Bisnode i samband med börsnoteringen, varav 45,6% ingår i grunderbjudandet och ytterligare 6,6% utgörs av en övertilldelningsoption. Ratos Ratos Ratos säljer data- och analysföretaget Bisnode till Dun & Bradstreet för en köpeskilling baserad på ett enterprise value om cirka 7 200 MSEK, motsvarande 13,8 gånger EV/EBITA. Försäljningen av Ratos ägarandel om 70% motsvarar en köpeskilling om cirka 3 900 MSEK, vilket medför en koncernmässig reavinst om cirka 2 000 MSEK. Global law firm White & Case LLP has advised Ratos AB and Bonnier on the divestment of Bisnode AB to Dun & Bradstreet. Ratos and Bonnier have signed an agreement to sell their entire holdings in Bisnode, excluding its business operations in Belgium, to Bisnode's partner Dun & Bradstreet for an approximate enterprise value of SEK 7.2 billion, corresponding to an EV/EBITA multiple of 13.8x and 2020-10-12 · Dun & Bradstreet, which has long relied on global partnerships to address the sales, marketing, and risk evaluation needs of its multi-national customers, is expanding its presence in Europe with the acquisition of Bisnode Business Information Group.
Based on this acquisition, Bisnode, one of Europe's leading providers of decision support, will become the Nordic leader in automotive-related information services.
Kategori: Svenske_selskaper -
Sweden’s Ratos sells data company Bisnode in $807m deal The deal with US business analytics firm Dun & Bradstreet is expected to be completed by early 2021 Riskkapitalbolaget Ratos säljer sitt 70-procentiga innehav i data- och analysföretaget Bisnode till affärsinformationsföretaget Dun & Bradstreet för 7,2 miljarder kronor. Även Bonnier säljer sina 30 procent i företaget till Dun & Bradstreet, som sedan tidigare är Bisnodes samarbetspartner.
Kategori:Svenske selskaper – Wikipedia
The acquisition is expected to have a positive impact on Bisnode's earnings in 2008. Ratos’ strategy is to hold companies that are or can become market leaders, but Bisnode, as a standalone organization, is not in a position to build a market-leading position in data and analytics. Dun & Bradstreet offers a suite of advanced B2B sales and marketing solutions that can be cross-sold into the Bisnode … Bisnode is one of Europe’s leading providers of data and analytics. Ratos AB owns 70 per cent of the company, and 30 per cent is held Bonnier Holding AB. with sales in 19 countries, a large number of customers and a wide range of services and products.
The sale of Ratos's 70% shareholding corresponds to an approximate equity value of SEK 3,900m, representing a Group capital gain of about approximately SEK 2,000m.
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Ratos sells property to Swedish state.
Investmentbolaget Ratos avyttrar sitt 70-procentiga innehav i dataanalysbolaget Bisnode till partnern Dun & Bradstreet till ett pris som baseras på ett företags Ratos säljer portföljbolaget Bisnode till partnern Dun & Bradstreet | Placera
Ratos's subsidiary Bisnode has signed agreement to sell the company "Wer liefert Was?"(WLW) in Austria, Germany and Switzerland to the German private equity company Paragon Partners.
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Kategori:Svenske selskaper – Wikipedia
The transaction forms part of the development of Ratos into a group of companies with a focus on profitable growth. Ratos is selling the data and analytics comp Ratos divests Bisnode to Dun & Bradstreet | … 2020-10-08 Foto: istockphoto.
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# Ratos: Ingen lockande rabatt *Av: Daniel Svensson* Aktien
Ratos is selling the data and analytics company Bisnode to Dun & Bradstreet for a Ratos operates in the Nordic private equity market, focuses on mid-segment Bisnode are experts in analyzing large amounts of data and have a long three strong brands, HÅG, RH and RBM, which are mainly sold through retail outlets. 17 feb. 2017 — Att vara aktieägare i Ratos har ibland känts som en ändlös Aibel och Bisnode till omkring 840 miljoner sek känns som att slänga bra pengar 5 sep.