Lumenradio Ab, Svangatan 2 B , ORGANISATIONSNR
Lumenradio Ab, Svangatan 2 B , ORGANISATIONSNR
“We look forward to bringing our knowledge of future-proof connectivity to the table, and to co-create wireless applications worthy of bearing the ABB name" says Peter Lindkvist (right), sales director LumenRadio, here with Alexander Hellström, CEO, LumenRadio. Alexander Hellström, the CEO of LumenRadio is impressed by the technology and knowledge within Wireless Solution and says: “We are really excited about this! Together we will define the wireless standard for the future and with all the great technology and knowhow Wireless Solution has built up over the last two decades, Alexander Hellström “Today LumenRadio is profitable and experiencing strong growth as our wireless products are becoming the preferred choice of lighting professionals. To keep up with demand and manage the continued success we are appointing Alexander Hellström as our new CEO to lead us through this next phase of growth”, explains Per Hulthén, co-founder and former CEO of LumenRadio. LumenRadio CEO: Alexander Hellström. First investment year: 2009.
“LumenRadio's MoonLite™ is a 556761-7492. Visa dotterbolag. Adress: Svangatan 2B, vån 2. Postnummer: 416 68 Göteborg.
På Ratsit hittar du senast uppdaterade Telefonnummer Adresser Personnummer Inkomster och mycket mer för alla personer i Sverige. Over the past 20 years, Alexander Hellström has been working with “emerging technologies” (internet, e-commerce, mobility, M2M) and digital strategies. Today, Alexander is leading LumenRadio, a young and innovative company with a clear vision of how wireless technology will make better tomorrow.
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LinkedIn är världens största yrkesnätverk och hjälper yrkespersoner som Alexander Hellström att upptäcka interna kontakter till rekommenderade jobbsökande, branschexperter och affärspartner. Alexander Hellström, CEO, LumenRadio +46 70 377 24 15. Niclas Arvidsson, CEO Interlite AB. +46705915515.
Alexander Hellström - Göteborg, Sverige Professionell profil
To keep … 2020-12-09 · Since the acquisition of Wireless Solution back in March 2020, LumenRadio and Wireless Solution have the same owner, the same CEO and even share some engineering expertise. Together, the two companies form a heavy-weight player within the wireless DMX market. But what is the plan for the two companies and how will this affect you … Alexander Hellström is Chief Executive Officer at LumenRadio AB. View Alexander Hellström’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers. LumenRadio tar arvet i fabriksbyggnaden vidare; idag hittar du hela företaget här, i samma lokaler som Edmond Auguste Pellerin lämnade 1965. Du känner historiens vingslag, och Alexander Hellström möter dig i foajén. Han ger dig ingen trist företagspresentation.
52 år
LumenRadio AB Ordinarie ledamot . Halon Security AB Suppleant . Aqua Robur Technologies AB Suppleant . Forsway Scandinavia AB Suppleant .
Matbordet södermalm
Halon Security AB Suppleant . Aqua Robur Technologies AB Suppleant . Forsway Scandinavia AB Suppleant . Branscher.
LumenRadio har genom en riktad nyemission tagit in nytt kapital, vilket borgar för Alexander Hellström, VD på LumenRadio, 0703-77 24 15,
skapas av sensorer och dataanalyser i framtidens leveranskedjor. Gäster är Pär Bergsten från H&D Wireless, Alexander Hellström från Lumenradio och Olof…
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Se omsättning, bokslut, styrelse, m.m, Ladda ner gratis årsredovisningar. ger dig information om befattningar om Alexander Hellström.
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Alexander Hellström - Personprofil - Allabolag
Today, Alexander is leading LumenRadio, a young and innovative company with a clear vision of how wireless technology will make better tomorrow. Over the past 20 years, Alexander Hellström has been working with “emerging technologies” (internet, e-commerce, mobility, M2M) and digital strategies.